to the SearchBar news board. |
[04.24.03] SearchBar Plugin Editor 1.0b1 is available. Download
it now!
[04.02.03] SearchBar 1.3 is available. Download
it now! (NOTE)
[02.26.03] SearchBar 1.2 is available. (No longer available)
[02.24.03] SearchBar 1.1 is available. (No longer available)
1.0.1 is available. (No
longer available) |
of Content :
- What is SearchBar?
- What is the Story behind SearchBar?
- How does SearchBar work?
- When did we introduce which features?
- What are we planing to do for the next
- Frequently Asked Questions.
- SearchBar Plugin Editor.
- Important note on Windows SearchBar banner window.
says hello to Safari users."
works great with the new web browser from Apple Computer. |
What is SearchBar ?
SearchBar is a quick and simple way of accessing all your
favorite web based search engines, from one simple floating
palette that is always accessible, and can be brought to the
foreground with a simple key combination (HotKey).
SearchBar will help you to search the web faster. Instead
of launching your browser and then having to enter the website's
url, wait for the main page of this website to load, and finally
enter the query, you can just enter your query in SearchBar
and it will bring you directly to the results page.
SearchBar includes an ever growing number of search engines,
and if you would like to see other engines in SearchBar, just
drop us a note searchbar@pommsoft.com
and we will add it as fast as we can.
SearchBar is available in English and French.
SearchBar is only available for Mac
OS X. |
v1.3 gui. Default palette with flags.
What is the Story behind SearchBar ?
I found myself one day of august spending way too much time
just opening my browser, typing 'google' waiting for the page
to load, entering the text in the field, and typing enter. So
I looked for a search bar on versiontracker (my second favorite
search engine after google, even though it serves a different
purpose) and couldn't find anything that was quite what I wanted,
so I decided to write the SearchBar. The next day I had SearchBar
0.1 (back then called GoogleBar), that could search Google and
only Google, then I decided to add versiontracker, and then
kept on adding features, and today, three months later, we have
over 20 different engines! |
How does SearchBar work ?
All the design behind SearchBar was to make it very very simple
to use.
Be sure to understand how SearchBar is simple to use : SearchBar
manual. |
did we introduce what features ?
For the most up to date History of SearchBar please take a
look at the ReadMe File in SearchBar (SearchBar Menu: View
Read Me...)
Access the complete SearchBar version history : SearchBar
the check for updates feature of SearchBar does not work if
you have installed Java 1.4, please if you have installed
Java 1.4, download SearchBar
What are we planing to do for the next version ?
- Publish the Search Engine Plugin SDK to allow you to develop
your own plugins
- Add new Search Engine Plugins for other sites
- more more more search engines
- internationalize in other languages (if you can and want
to do it, let me know)
- allow user to set how many old searches to save, and also
reorder the searches if you type the same one again (put
it back at the top)
- add an option to check for availability of new plugins
on the website (independently of SearchBar updates
- add a way for you to upload engines to the website and
make them available for download to the SearchBar community
- convert more engines to the new xml format (for size optimization)
Like always, if you would like to see a feature added to
SearchBar, feel free to contact us: searchbar@pommsoft.com.
Frequently Asked Questions :
- The SearchBar HotKey does not seem to work:
Please make sure that this HotKey is not already used by another
application, or by the system (cmd + space is often used to
switch between keyboard layouts, other HotKeys are used to enable
and disable the accessiblity functions of the system).
SearchBar Plugin Editor:
The all new SearchBar Plugin Editor
allows you to quickly and easily create new plugins for SearchBar.
Once you have created a new plugin for your favorite search
engine, you can submit
it to us and we will post it on the plugins
page. With your authorization your plugins could
be added to the next version of SearchBar. |
Contact us :
you are interested, or if you want more info about SearchBar,
email us ! And if you want to submit cool ideas for this cool
App, go ahead and send us an email at:
Microsoft Windows SearchBar popups :
It has come to our attention (through a large number of emails)
that a virus with a name similar to Pomm'Soft's SearchBar is affecting MS
Windows users. We would like to guarantee you that
Pomm'Soft has absolutely nothing to do with this virus. Pomm'Soft does not currently offer any MS
Windows compatible application, and has no plans to do so.
SearchBar is a Mac OS X only product and
can absolutely not be affecting your MS Windows machine.
For more info on this issue, please refer to this websites:
Legal Notice: Pomm'Soft does not endorse the contents of these websites and does not make any warranty on any of their content.
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